First visit

Everyone under the age of 18 is entitled to an assessment by an orthodontist under the NHS. To obtain this assessment you have to be referred by your own dentist through the NHS administration.

At your first visit you are greeted by the treatment co-ordinator, Jill, taken through to the consulting room. You will then be given the opportunity to explain your concerns about your teeth, and Jill will ask you questions about your teeth and your health. Ian Davies will then examine and assess your teeth and Jill will then spend time outlining your options. We hope that at the end of this first visit you will understand fully the treatment options and the processes involved so you can come to a decision as what is best for you.


Treatments available


If your teeth are severe enough to warrant treatment under the NHS you will then be offered appointment to base line records to be taken and following this an appointment with the orthodontist for treatment planning when the whole treatment will be explained and you will be asked to sign a consent form for treatment. Treatment will then be undertaken by the orthodontist or by Sally the Orthodontic Therapist under the supervision of an orthodontist. We cannot guarantee that you will see the same orthodontist throughout the treatment. The treatment itself will be with removable appliances or with fixed orthodontic appliances as shown below. We can only offer metal fixed appliances under NHS regulations


Pictures of fixed and removables



At the end of active treatment the appliances are removed and replaced with retainers to maintain the positions achieved. These will be monitored for a year under NHS guidelines. If the retainers are lost there will most likely be a charge for replacements


Pictures of retainers